Ayurveda Offerings

Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old traditional system of health care that originated in India. It is considered to be the oldest, continuously practiced form of health care in the world. Its purpose is to prevent illness and promote longevity. According to Ayurveda, the key to vibrant health is to understand how one’s unique body-mind interacts with and responds to the environment. 

Adjustments in lifestyle, diet, and daily routines can be made to harmonize the particular tendencies in each individual and restore balance. I work with you in consultation to benefit from and incorporate Ayurveda into your life.

Anyone can benefit from learning and incorporating Ayurveda into their lives. It is suitable for all ages, backgrounds, and levels of well-being. An Ayurvedic consultation can help you understand the unique tendencies of your body-mind. During the consultation, we will discuss possible imbalances in your body-mind, when considered through the Ayurvedic lens as well as what steps may be taken to restore balance.

Common wellness concerns discussed in consultations include but are not limited to: disease prevention, stress reduction, improved digestion, sound sleep, safe cleansing practices, using food and herbs to correct imbalances, memory, aching joints, weight loss, emotional balance, skin care, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

  • Initial consultation, $175 (includes a 90 minute initial consultation plus a 30 minute follow up)

  • Follow up consultations, $90/ 45 minutes

Initial appointments consist of a detailed history-taking in order to clearly assess the Ayurvedic Mind-Body Type (Prakruti), imbalances (Vikruti), and causative factors involved.

You will receive a personalized Ayurvedic Wellness Plan, which may include information about diet, health routine, herbs, yoga, pranayama & meditation.

To arrange a consultation or to find out more information, please email me at please email me: shala@yogaandthecosmos.com